Monday, January 25, 2016

Public information leaflet

 Leaflet Design

Mock up design 

Folding out option looks alright but its too big for what little information will be on it

Having it A4 size allows it to be used as a poster for the classroom and for kids to have it at home with out it being too big. the bottom tear away parts do look scruffy. Simon has suggested perforating it to allow it to look fine without each piece curling up like above

Started creating the Initial design for the leaflet while trying to keep with the style of current child information leaflets // posters. This requires the leaflets to have little information on it but make sure its understandable for the kids. also, with a study of how colour effects kids attention span and blue makes it so its more likely to be read where colours like yellow and red will grab their attention.
the first attempt at this seemed to be too plain and basic so i decided to go back to the drawing board and create a grid for the leaflet

New Grid System for leaflet

This is the latest design to the leaflet. Its been made to be folded 5 times so it can fit in pockets while also being doubled as a poster when it's unfolded. with it being used as a poster as well, I've decided to only print on one side of the paper as this would safe money on the print method as the bottom part of these leaflet will have Hi Visibility stickers on a perferated, tear away piece that students can pull off, handed out and put onto their bikes. The information has been made into points to allow the students to quickly read the poster. The bike on the poster was put on as an attempt to get the students to draw their dream bike design onto it to get a class to interact with their own leaflet and show it to their friends.

Final Piece

With the Poster // leaflet in its final stages i wenrt down to the print room to talk to the technition about what paper would be best. After discussion, we chose to use the paper Antalis Dlin Digital Reavlar High White 11209sm, as it was thick enough so it would be able to survive some wear and tear . The final peice looked great but unfortunatly, due to the papers properties, it wouldnt fold to well without it looking tacky. while this is the case, the paper works great as a poster and the perferated, tear away vinyl section at the bottom seems to be fine. there was a few spelling mistakes found after makeing the first draft of this but thankfully i was abe to sort it out before printing the final piece

Group Crit

“while it dose look basic, it dose fit its purpose to be aimed toward kids”
“The bright blue dose draw you in. it reminds me of the saftey posters we had back when i was in primary school”
“im not sure whether you need the ‘Follow these Basics’ part at the top. maybe try it without it”
“its got enough information to look serious while at the same time it dose look like its for kids”
"Just leave it as a poster"


I did struggle with this project as creating something for kids is harder than it looks. while ultimately the  poster looks basic, it fits it purpose as my peers stated. Its simplistic // bright design dose attract the attention of kids and is interactive enough to keep their attention. Not going to lie about it, i wish i chose a better public information video after seeing what other poeple have chosen as there isn't much excitement // danger with getting seen on a bike. while that is the case, i did enjoy this brief as i havent hand much experiece in layout design for leaflets, nor have i had experiance for creqating a design for younger kids. i look forward to doing more projects of this nature in the future as i feel its an area in graphics i enjoy.

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