Friday, April 29, 2016

Licence to print money


Had a great experience with this one as i finally got to do some screen printing. While I'm still a bit shaky with it, i felt like i got the grasps of it relativity quickly. there was a few hiccups along the way but ultimately the prints turned out really well. although, i might change the design a little bit before the exhibition as its just a thought i had on the subject. this has definitely opened my eyes to using traditional print more, similar to how the letter press made me view the area after using it before the Christmas half term.

Licence to Print Money

Developed Ideas

For the design of the note, i want to use the contour lines of the place i do most of my walking which is llanberis mainly for its valley and the snowdonia mountain range. I found 3 of the main sections used by tourists and avid climbers alike and started to get to work on the design.

After looking at each of the lines, the last one which is one of the mountain peaks of snodonia which has a really steep incline which gives it this great look to it which also has a thumb print feel to it. Due to the way i've been going with making the note, this simplistic design is something that I'm quite liking as it put more emphasis on the imagery.  just got to go and get this screen printed now once ive got some feedback

Secret 7


Although i didn't get chosen for the show, i thoroughly enjoyed this live brief project. so much so ive signed up to the website Design Crowd which is just tht. I think this project might have been shadowed but other briefs but ultimately I'm happy with what I produced. If i could change something however, It would be to have been able to screen print this but due to issues with the workshop double booking i got stuck with digital. Nothing wrong with digital printing, its just i felt like screen printing this one would have added to the outcome.

Money is?


As a group, we've worked really well with each other. We managed to come up with a concept fairly quickly as we could discus ideas to each other confidently with in the group discussions. We were all happy with our roles and everyone delivered from their part and kept to deadlines that we created for ourself s to keep us organised. Now that the submissions are almost over, we can focus our team efforts towards the pitch with First Direct. Thanks to this project, I feel like I want to do more group projects and I'm looking forward to moving into next yeah to full start the collaborative briefs,

Reflective Practice

Final pieces


I'm quite happy with the way these have turned out. Its simplistic minimalist design fits its purpose of being a cheap planner//sketchbook for students during there first year. So easy infact that you could print it off and make it your self. As I wanted to take it further and make a pure sketchbook design which has its own characteristics. I've enjoyed this project as it let me do what i've enjoyed the most from this firt year and thats book binding. it seems like ive even made sketchbooks to hold my work for submission. I think this one though fits its purpose and ill even use it to help me at the start of second year. (Begining to think i did this project more for me)

Reflective Practice


book layout for the calender and the sketchbook pages. The design has a lot of free space as its designed to allow the student full control with how it looks, being able to Draw all over it if they really wanted to.

Calender Posters

These posters are designed to be pulled out of the book and stuck up on the wall in the students room or just stick it into another sketchbook if they have a better one on hand.

Reflective Practice


Q: For my project, I'm aiming to create a sketchbook//planner that will be handed out as part of a freshers kit. I aim to include a calender for the months of the course on the first few pages with the rest of the book being a sketchbook to make notes and doodle within. Should the calender be just the first term or the whole year?

  • Having just the first term would make more sense. Keep the price in mind though as it could be expensive
  • I really like the idea and considerations but look at the pricing of the book and the production meeting the standards
  • Staples or a ring bind is pretty cheap and easy to use to make your publication
  • the whole year one as it gives the book more instightive to be kept over the year
Q: for the book, I was toying with the idea of creating a moleskins styled book but I'm not sure after considering the cost. What sketchbooks do you use? why?

  • I think saddle stitching perhaps be the quickest and most cost effective binding method to use. Try and keep it simple if your going to be making a lot
  • Defiantly prioritise ease and cost of publication, this allows consisting & quality throughout the publication
  • Ring bound could be interesting
  • Ring bound. can lay flat on a table
  • Really like the simplistic, illustrative styled notebooks with a more simplistic interior and a simple binding. but it would be intresting if you have everything simple and have a exotic binding meathod


  • going to keep it cost effective by using the likes of coloured card and antique paper form the library. (to create a book its about £1)
  • Going to keep the styling of the simplistic design and use a basic saddle stitch.
  • I will include some calenders along with the publications

Reflective Practice


The designs of this publication have been thouught up with the intention of it being an easy to make, cheap planner that can be handed out to students with very little cost. Im designing it as if i would the sketchbook s i make for myself and with the contents i aim to have enough pages to hold all 10 months of uni at the start and a sketch book at the back with enough space to write //doodle//scribble all over. (something i seem to do lots of)

Reflective Practice

Research compilation.

For this brief, i wanted to gain a sort of collage of references to creating notebooks and creative ways to design calenders. the idea of having a calender sheet that you can stick up per month is quite nifty and it might be an option for creating my publication.