Monday, November 2, 2015

Whitney Analasis

"Whitney is the museum of American art and they presented the last re-branding work consisting in a light ‘W’ that can be flexible in shape.

When checking the design process on the website it is appreciable that the theory is a bit contradictory, as they claim the design is complex, since it is a zigzag but it looks very minimalistic and simple. Another interesting fact in the process is that they proof how the spaces in the ‘W’ can be used as a container for images and text. In the video presentation the logotype is portrayed as a very flexible and adaptable element carried around the screen with a very suitable modern music played with cellos and other instruments and elements.

The members of the group agreed that the design process looks rushed, unfinished, like it was made in a work document. The layout of the images were very inconsistent and proved some other negative points with these examples, like that the logo is not as flexible as it looked in the presentation. It is a logo that needs a justification and might work only as a poster, but not with an extensive amount of text."

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