Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 5: Final Cover

Final Cover

With the prototypes showing that this movable cover is doable (even if I accidently glued all of the prototypes down) it was on to the next step of creating the Mayan calendar design. We both set out to design our own version of the calendar. We went for Kyles design as it was much closer to an actual Mayan design plus it was easier to put onto the rings.

To add the designs onto the cover we had one of two options, either to screen print them on or laser cut them into the mountboard. We decided to scrap screen printing as there’s a chance that as people rotate the calendar it will smudge and get rid of the design whereas laser cutting it into the mount board improves the overall durability of the book. Laser cutting gave us some issues as the laser cutters at the Uni can be very temperamental, we found that rastering the design onto the mountboard would just but the whole lot of rather than give it an engraved effect. To combat this, we recreated the original design to remove the filled areas so it could be engraved into the cover. It proved to have different results each time we used the laser cutter, sometimes it wouldn’t cut deep enough and in one case would basically set the section it was cutting on fire. After a few attempts we chose the best two so we could both have a book for submission.

The saving grace for the book would have to be the use of double sided tape as it holds the book together solidly and is also great for the moving pieces by removing most of the friction that was causing issues during prototyping stage of this project.


“It’s really great to see the transition from the book that you made from stone last year. Maybe include an instruction sheet for the best way to rotate it.”

“To fully show this design off on your blog, make a gif of someone rotating the cover to full demonstrate your design. Would be a shame if it didn’t come across to whoever picks it up.”

“I can’t get my head around how you’ve thought of this. The only thing I would say is that maybe add something else to the cover but it might make It too busy. Just a thought.”

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