Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 6: Proposal


To choose who would work with them on this project, they asked for us to propose a concept for the events logo. Here is the idea I sent across.
Concept: For Making London, words such as: Welcoming, Diversity, Unity, Together and Change are at the core of the event as they all capture what the aims hope to be.
To capture these key aims into the brand identity for the event this concept looked into London and ways to bring it together. In particular, it used the many sections of London and their shapes. Due to them being taken from maps they are too detailed with their edges, so to give the shapes a friendlier feel, they are simplified while also being able to identify which area each one is at any scale. Using the BAME colours used in multiple mediums also has the events message within the combination of shapes.
Use of the shapes: A big part of what seems to be one of the aims of the event is bringing people together and making a better future for the industry. Having different parts of London come together to make a completely new shape tries to capture this within the possible logos.
Having these variations of different possible shapes can be used within different aspects of the brands identity from having them within the social media campaigns and motion graphics to using them as possible wall deco.
Each of these possible shapes combinations all contain the colours used to represent BAME and the way they are put together sends the message of coming together.
Logo Variations: As this is a concept, the logo itself can be made up of any combination of the shapes. The beauty of this is that all these variations can be used for different aspects of the event such as the tickets, way-finding, lights, ect.
Having a main logo for the event and smaller variations across the different aspects of the branding unifies the    different areas while also allowing each section to have a different look to each other.
Each variation hopes to capture the main aims of the event that are: Welcoming, Diversity, Unity, Together and Change. This all comes across while giving the brand a warm and friendly feel to it as well.

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