Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 6: Research

In terms of style for the website are looking for something really clean. Lots of space (doesn’t necessarily have to be white where the photos of speakers/ descriptions speak for themselves (versus having to compete with the background). This is probably more a typography play rather than graphics.

Here are some other events that have happened in London recently and some thoughts on their websites:  too cluttered/ hard to read over photos and not enough visuals/ info about the speakers  too busy I like how clearly presented the speakers are and how everything fits on the same page..but not crazy about the header design. I like the branding for this and how it’s quite clean (though they’ve made the page a bit cluttered). They let the photos sort of speak for themselves. I also like the logo and how that arrow shape could potentially be used across the different assets. I don’t love the branding because it looks a bit childish but I do like the one page layout Not enough photos but this is a pretty good layout and doesn’t feel cluttered

Other inspiration: They are the media sponsor and I like the space, clean fonts, photos can speak for themselves, etc

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